Dear Parents,
Christmas Annuals
The Siamsa, Súgradh, Spraoi and Sonas Christmas Activity Annuals are currently available to purchase in the school. The Activity books are filled with stories, puzzles, jokes, crafts and games. They are viewable at the display table in the Main Entranceway to the school at from 8.30am-8.45am and from 1.30pm-3.30pm until Wednesday afternoon. The cost of the Activity book is €4 each, and for every book sold the school will receive €1 towards resources.
Greenschools Update
All of the children enjoyed a real tasty treat on Friday when Ms McArdles classroom was turned into a cafeteria! The Senior Children helped to prepare mashed potatoes and fried potatoes for everyone to taste. The potatoes were harvested by the children in our own little vegetable garden! Well done to everyone in the Greenschool Committee for organising the Potato Day!
The Greenschool Committee recently constructed an “Insect Hotel” next to the pation area. We hope to attract plenty of minibeasts!
Christmas Preparations
The children are teachers are very busy organising the songs, prayers and lines for the Christmas Celebration. Thank you to all parents who returned the confirmation slips that were sent out last week. A reminder that teachers need to be aware of the children who cannot attend the service, and I ask that if you haven’t yet returned your child’s form, please do so before tomorrow Tuesday 4th December. All are welcome to the Christmas Celebration and we look forward to seeing you there!
School Improvement Works
Finally, thank you for your patience and co-operation whilst the Improvement
Works on the septic tank and football pitch continue.