Welcome to Rang Cairde Nua Buí,
I am so excited to start a new school year in such a wonderful class. I am so lucky to have 6 wonderful boys who will make this year a fantastic one. We have been very busy settling into the first couple of weeks of school. I have been busy trying to get to know everyone and of course, the boys have been busy trying to get to know me. I am very lucky to have Alison and Sarah, two fantastic SNAs in the school, working with me this year. Alison knows most of the class from last year, which is wonderful. We have a new student in Rang Cairde Nua Buí, which we are all very excited about. We are very excited to have Tom with us and we look forward to showing him all the fun things we do in our school.
Since we got back to school, we have been busy indoors and outdoors, We have made the most of the glorious weather and had lots of fun and play outside. We have been busy inside too, playing, sorting, matching, mixing, painting, learning etc. It has been a great two weeks and we are really looking forward to our year together. This term will be all about getting to know each other, finding out things that we like/don't like, sharing our interests and learning lots of new things.
Keep an eye out on this page for more photos and updates.
Slán go fóill,