Junior Infants

Our Wonderful Junior Infants

26 super boys and girls started 'big school' in Kilbride National School this year. They are looking forward to the year ahead - lots of learning and fun. Take a look at their lovely smiles on their first day in Junior Infants.

Fine motor fun

We have been busy doing lots of fine motor activities in Junior Infants during September.

We have been using playdoh, threading, building, cutting, pinching, making jigsaws, writing and lots more.

Take a look at some photos..

Mark making

The children in Junior Infants are working hard at their writing!

We have been mark making using pencils, markers, chalk and cotton buds with paint.

The boys and girls even practised drawing shapes and writing their name on the yard using chalk.. it looked great until the rain washed it all away!!


We love maths!

Take a look at some of the great sorting and matching activities the boys and girls were doing.

Enjoying the sunshine

We brought our learning outside to make the best of the sunny days

Humpty Dumpty

The kind boys and girls in Junior Infants put poor Humpty together again!

Free play

The children enjoy free play time in the classroom at the end of the day.

They enjoy playing with the kitchen, train set, farm, cars, lego, playdoh, doll house and sand.

Rainy days

When it's raining and the children can't go outside at lunchtime, we like to have a run around in the hall and play some games together!

Ted's adventures

Ted is our newest student in Junior Infants!

Ted loves adventures. Each Friday he will go home with a little boy/ girl and spend the weekend with them. He then returns to school on Monday, ready for a busy week of learning.

October in Junior Infants


The children in Junior Infants have been doing great work at their handwriting. They are practising their pre- writing shapes using pencils, markers and paint but they love using the chalk outside in the outdoor classroom and on our yard.

Children's Book Festival

The children visited Trim library to see a puppet show as part of the Children's Book Festival.

They also designed their favourite book character using a wooden spoon. Take a look at the wonderful work by our super Junior Infants.

Maths week

In Kilbride National School everyone enjoyed maths week!

Junior infants participated in lots of fun activties including a whole school maths trail, designing and making shape monsters and doing a daily maths challenge as part of their homework.


We love getting out in the fresh air for PE. The children enjoyed practising relays during October.


The boys and girls have been learning lots about Autumn. They know many facts about squirrels, hedgehogs and trees. They enjoyed going on a nature walk around our school to collect leaves. Everyone did lots of beautiful Autumn art - take a look at our photos.

Spooky Season

Everything is starting to get a little spooky in our classroom in preparation for Halloween! Take a look at our fingerprint ghosts..

Gingerbread Man

Our fairytale of the month for January is 'The Gingerbread Man'. We read the story, sequenced it, designed our own Gingerbread men and we even learned the story in Irish 'An Buachaillín Sinséir'.

Aistear: The Weather

The children have enjoyed the theme of 'Weather' during our Aistear Stations in January.

100 days of Primary School

Our wonderful Junior Infants are now 100 days in Kilbride National School. We celebrated this very special day by dressing up as 100 year old Grannies and Grandads!! We had so much fun.

Inclusion week 2024

We all fit together!

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.


The children in Junior Infants have been learning lots about 'Spring' in Science, Geography, Art and Aistear. We have been spotting signs of Spring in our school environment.

Everyone was very excited to learn about the lifecycle of a chicken.

We discussed the lifecycle - egg, embryo, hatching, chick, adult hen or rooster.

The children sequenced the lifecycle and enjoyed listening to a story on youtube. We also integrated what we learned in Science into our Art lesson when the children designed chicks for our Spring display.

Science: Planting cress seeds

The children in Junior Infants planted cress seeds today. We placed them near the window and we are going to water them daily. Everyone is very excited to watch their cress seeds growing. We put eyes on our plant pots to make funny looking cress heads!!

We also drew what we think our cress will look like in two weeks.

We will update you with photos of our cress when they grow.. (Hopefully very soon!!)

Garda Ted

Junior Infants were delighted to welcome Garda Gerry Burke when he visited our classroom this week.

Garda Burke spoke to the children about staying safe when out and about.

Our class teddy 'Ted' took the job of 'Class Guard' very serious!!

An Update on our Cress Seeds

The boys and girls took great care of their cress plants over the last two weeks and they were delighted to bring them home today!


We were delighted to have Dave visiting us to teach us drumming.

Experimenting with Magnets

We were learning all about magnets this week and the children went on a hunt around the classroom looking for magnetic objects.

Our wonderful handwriting

The boys and girls in Junior Infants have been working hard on their handwriting. Take a look at their fantastic cursive handwriting. Ms. Mullen is so proud of the children and their hard work.
