Step Five - STEM Show and Tell


Third and Fourth Class - Presentation of STEPS Young Engineering Projects

Third and Fourth Class presented their STEPS Young Engineering projects to the rest of the school.

They did a great job at presenting these projects and answered any questions that the other children had about their creations!

The Robos – A bigger car park for Kilbride National School.
The Brain Blasters – Cycle Lane for Kilbride.
The Mind Blowers – The Sewage Mover.
The Problem Solvers – Glow in the Dark Traffic Lights.
The Game Changers – River Rescue.
Ecotricity Experts – Hydroenergy
The Brainstormers – Pressure Plate Traffic Light

Well done Third and Fourth Class.  #STEPSYoungEngineersAward  #STEPSEngineersIreland

Fifth and Sixth Class - ESB Science Blast

Today in Kilbride National School the children in Fifth and Sixth Class set about measuring the height of every child in the school.

They are taking part in a science fair called ESB Science Blast.

They are going to use this information to draw graphs and they will study these results.

They will then use this information to compare growth rated at different stages within primary school.

We are really looking forward to investigating their collaborated findings!
