Mrs. Crosby along with Third and Fourth Class have been completing the Blue Star Programme this year. They are really enjoying this programme this year and have completed a lot of work on Europe and the European Union. To finish up this programme we are holding a Europe Day in Kilbride National School on Wednesday, 20th April 2016. We have lots of fun activities planned for this day. There are activities that each class teacher will do with their class to teach them all about Europe and projects / other work that Third and Fourth Class have completed will be on display in the school for the other children to see. There will also be a whole school quiz based on Europe and the European Union. Finally, at 1pm, after big lunch the children will create a chain around the yard and we will do the handshake for Europe. We are all really looking forward to this day! Well done to Third and Fourth Class for all the hard work that they have put into the Blue Star Programme this year.