Junior Infants

Our New Junior Infants

Take a look at our wonderful Junior Infants on their first day in Kilbride National School.

Big smiles and lots of fun was had by all.

Busy bees in Junior Infants

The children in Junior Infants were busy learning, having fun and making new friends this week..

Fine motor activities

We are having lots of fun in Junior Infants with our daily fine motor activities. We are working hard on strengthening our hands before we start our writing.

Artist of the month

The children in Junior Infants learned all about our artist of the month 'Leonardo Da Vinci' and they worked hard designing their own Mona Lisa. Take a look at the fabulous work!

Autumn Art

The children in Junior Infants have been learning all about Autumn. We know lots of facts about Squirrels and Hedgehogs. We went on an Autumn hunt and collected lots of beautiful red, yellow and orange leaves. We did leaf rubbings with the leaves we collected. Take a look at the fabulous Autumn art the boys and girls have created.


We love maths in our classroom! This week we learned all about 2D shapes. We went on a shape hunt around our school and we couldn't believe all the squares, rectangles, triangles and circles we found.

Halloween Art

It is starting to get spooky in our classroom!

Using finger painting we made spooky ghosts..

Science Week

The children in Junior Infants buddied up with our friends in 5th and 6th class to do Science experiments during science week. We had lots of fun making spiral snakes, using marshmallows and cocktail sticks to make 2D and 3D shapes, using magnets, creating rainbow skittles and making raisins dance!!
We can’t wait for next years Science Week already!

A visit from a Chicken!

There was great excitement in our classroom when Lola the chicken came to visit us. We learned lots of facts about Chickens and we all got to pet Lola.

Christmas Festivities in Junior Infants

It has been a busy couple of weeks in Junior Infants. Our days have been action packed with Christmas Activities! We have been busy little elves working in Santa's Workshop during Aistear. We did lots of lovely Christmas art, singing and dancing! All while Twinkle the Elf has been a bit of a messer and keeping us on our toes!

Our Christmas Play

The children in Junior Infants performed their first Christmas Play in Kilbride 'The ABC Nativity'. They put on a wonderful performance for their families and we are very proud of them.

A visit from Santa

The excitement in Kilbride when Santa arrived in a fire engine was off the charts! We couldn't believe it!!

Fairytale of the month: The Gingerbread Man

We read, listened to, discussed and sequenced the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. Look at our own lovely Gingerbread Men we made during art.

Sunny PE days

The boys and girls were delighted to get out in the fresh air for PE this week. We organised stations: Basketball, skipping, hula hoops, hurdles and the balance snake and tennis. We had lots of fun and practised our skills.
