Kilbride National School Cookery Book 2021

The children of Kilbride school will be creating a “Kilbride National School Cookery Book 2021”. The Parents Association (PA) are delighted to assist the children with this project as one of our fundraising initiatives this year. The money raised from this initiative will go towards activities and resources for the children. This will be a wonderful opportunity for each family to contribute a family favourite recipe to this book. The Cookery Book would also be a great Christmas present too!

We could not run this fundraising project without the help of all the teachers in the school. A recipe falls under procedural writing and can be integrated into the curriculum teaching in each class. The class teachers will allocate the various categories of recipes to the children Junior and Senior Infants - Desserts, First and Second Class - Starters & Third to Sixth Class - Main Courses (Within these categories children can include healthy options recipes, Christmas/ Halloween specials, homemade drinks for children, jams/ marmalades and party options). Each family will contribute a family favourite recipe and the childs/children name(s) will be included. One recipe per family, so the oldest child in the family gives the recipe and the younger siblings can contribute by partaking in various art work pieces within the book. We would also be delighted to receive any cooking tips across any of the categories.

A recipe template form has been sent to everyone. The chosen recipe can be typed and then emailed to for the PA to collate. If typing a recipe is problematic for whatever reason, the PA will gladly accept a hand written recipe and will type out the recipe for inclusion in the Cookery Book. We would really appreciate if recipes could be sent back to us by 15th October, so as we can progress to the printers and hopefully have the Cookery Book ready for sale in November.

An art competition is being held within the school for artwork for the front and back cover of the Cookery Book. As soon as we have the Cook Book ready for sale a letter will be distributed regarding cost of book(s).

Many thanks for your support which will have all the children involved in a really exciting fundraising project together.
