Maths Week 12th - 19th October 2015

Maths week has begun in Kilbride National School today, Monday the 12th October 2015. There are lots of fun activities planned for the children throughout this week.


  • Tips were sent home today for using maths in the home.
  • All pupils from Third to Sixth Class were registered on the Manga High website to play maths games against schools from all over the world. The teachers have provided the children in Third to Sixth Class with the website address along with individual usernames and passwords.
  • All pupils from Junior Infants to Sixth Class received a maths challenge today which they will complete for Friday.


  • The children will measure the size of their new classrooms.
  • Break the Code: Every pupil in Kilbride National School will receive a secret message that they must discover by breakng the code.


  • Whole School Quiz; "Who Wants to be a Math's Millionaire"


  • Whole School Maths Trail


  • Maths Board Games: Children can bring in maths board games to be played in all classes. (playing cards, Battleship, Connect Four, Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, Chess, Draughts ......)
  • Maths Art: Each class will create a piece of mathematical art.

All the children are really excited about maths week and all the fun activities planned every day! Let's get our Maths on!!
