This week in Kilbride N.S we celebrated Maths Week. We took part in lots of maths activities. Tips for using maths were sent home to the parents. All pupils from 3rd to 6th class were registered on Manga High website to play maths games against schools from all over the world - each child received their own username and passwords and teachers are keeping an eye on their progress. Each class received their own maths challenge for the week. On Tuesday as part of our Green Day in the school we weighed our enormous turnip that we grew in our school garden. On Wednesday, the children took part in the whole school quiz based on maths called Who Wants to be a Millionaire. On Thursday all the children took part in a whole school maths trail. Finally, on Friday, all classes brought in maths board games and played them. We had so much fun this week in school and we worked especially hard at our maths for maths week. Well Done Everyone!!