Senior Infants

Farmer Duck Artwork

The Senior Infants enjoyed the story 'Farmer Duck' so much they made their own Ducks using crepe paper, glue and crayons. They look super!

Maths Hunt

The Senior Infant children were revising their numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. With partners, they went on a maths number hunt around the classroom and school and found as many of these numbers as they could. The found so many they ran out of paper!

Welcome Back Senior Infants

Senior Infants have been very busy the past couple of weeks settling back at school in a new classroom and with a new teacher. The have been working very hard and should be very proud of themselves. They have made me feel very welcome here in Kilbride National School. Here they are taking part in the weekly mile for our school marathon. Well done everyone
