Step Two - Technology

Technology in Action!

The boys and girls in fifth and sixth class have been busy integrating the use of technology into their learning. We have a few examples below showing their fantastic work.

Graphs and Spreadsheets

The boys and girls have learned all about the various types of graphs that we can use to represent collected data. One such example is a graph that was created to represent our SNA Sarah's hearing. Sarah was part of an Intel Mini Scientist project entitled 'Hearing and Sound'. Take a look at their fantastic work.

Science in Action Videos

As part of numerous projects for the Intel Mini Scientist competition many of our participating pupils created their own videos to illustrate some of their findings and communicate how they carried out some amazing science experiments at home as part of their research. Take a look at some screen shots of their fabulous videos.

Shane's home made bomb......

Isla and Ailbhe's pimple popping video.....
