Christmas Celebration in Kilbride N.S

Here in Kilbride we are having a christmas celebration.Within this celebration are the choir and a special little preformance  . The infants will be acting out a nativity play. It is about how Jesus came to earth and shows them the meaning of Christmas. This year the play will be held in the church. This will be a more holy venue. We have arranged a Giving Tree. All the children have written a promise to go on the tree. We will also be giving all the toys left over from the jumble sale to St.Vincint de Paul. There will  be a raffle on friday 21 st of December. There will be  great prizes for the winners so buy your tickets now. On Thursday we are having a disco for all the children of Kilbride. It will go on from 7 pm till late at 9 pm. We have done lots this Christmas and we hope everyone has had fun. We hope you will have a good Christmas and good  wishes for the new year.

By Ciaran and Brian 5th Class
