18th October 2022
As part of the Children's Book Festival 2022 we were very lucky to have a visit from traditional singer Aileen Lambert. She performed many wonderful traditional Irish songs with our fifth and 6th classes.
Visit www.aileenlambert.com to listen to some of her music via YouTube links.
Check out some brilliant photos of the visit below:
Fifth and Sixth Class have been very busy preparing their projects for the Intel Mini Scientist Competition. Here they are all set up for the intel Judges to come and judge their projects. Good luck to all the boys and girls in the competition and well done for all your hard work!
Congratulations to the winners of the school level stage of the Intel Mini Scientist Competition. Well done Darragh, Scott, Ryan and Cian with the winning project on ”How Milk Is Made” They will now move on to the next stage of the competition! Well done boys!!
Cross Country trials took place in Kilbride National School this morning with Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Class. Well done to all the boys and girls for completing the trials! Congratulations to all the boys and girls who qualified to represent Kilbride National School at the Cross Country on 25th November 2022. Well done to all everyone today!
13th December 2022
Cian, Darragh, Scott and Ryan went to the IT College in Blanchardstown to represent Kilbride National School in the next stage of the Intel Mini Scientist Competition with their project "How Milk is Made and Other Interesting Facts". The boys had a great day out presenting their project and attending various science shows. Unfortunately, the boys did not progress onto the next stage of the competition but they had a great day and they were super representatives for Kilbride National School.. Thank you to Mrs Mallee in supporting the boys and attending the competition with them today.. Well done boys, we are all so proud of you!!
14th December 2022
Fifth and Sixth Class have performed their nativity play for the rest of the school. Everyone really enjoyed it!! Well done to all the boys and girls. You were all amazing! The parents are in for a treat tomorrow!!
Mrs Mallee and the Fifth and Sixth Class were chosen this year to twin with a school in America. Kilbride National School were twinned with Boyne Valley Middle School in Michigan as part The Regional Twinning Initiative by Trim Tourism Network and Boyne City. They have been very busy writing letters to their pen pals in Boyne Valley Middle School in Michigan, receiving letters from their pen pals and sending them a variety of things from Ireland at Christmas!! There will be an article in the Meath Chronicle in the coming weeks all about this project, so watch this space!! Well done to Mrs Mallee and her class for all their hard work.
13th and 14th February 2023
As part of the whole school Curious Minds project we investigated how nappies really work.
Fifth and Sixth Class took part in first aid training today in Kilbride National School. They did a great job and learned lots of life saving techniques today. Thank you to Stephen Leonard Memorial Cycle (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077090454157) Gary Costello and all the committee members!